
Es werden Posts vom 2011 angezeigt.

Version 1.15 is available (yeah, this is the Xmas-Release)

Version 1.15 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Features: - scrollable tabs - varietals in tab list - tabs can be selected by configuration Bugfixes: - typo in translation (thx Werner) - potential StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on CSV import - text in autocompletion text fields not visible (hopefully finally fixed this one) - cannot take photos on some phones (Tom, Paddy: please check if you can take photos now) Changes: - instead of counting storages in statistics now bottles are counted (Sven, this one is for you)
Version 1.14 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Features: - sorry, no new features - only bugfixing Bugfixes: - app crashes when changing preference "icons without title" - ratingbar doesn't display rating of 2.5 - rating cannot be set to 0 - wrong file info is shown for back label images (instead front image info is shown) - max age is not stored when adding new storage - storage date is not stored when adding new storage Enhancement: - ratingbar uses application icon now Changes: - click on large image finishes activity (was changed in 1.13 to do nothing)
Version 1.13 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Features: - CSV import (requires same locale on import and export) - added attributes for volume and varietal Bugfixes: - wrong line ending in CSV export - rating looses fractal when saved Enhancement: - enlarged width for price information (CHF 19.99 fits in one line, thx Richard)

Version 1.12 released

Version 1.12 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Features: - CSV export Bugfixes: - front and back label are the same on new storage - null pointer occurs when import is selected - "-1.0" is displayed in edit activity for unset attribute alcohol strength - useExternalStore was corrupt on export Enhancement: - sharing cellar exports is easier now (by menu option "Share cellar") - show message when deleting of archive fails - show image label info on long click

Version 1.11 released

Version 1.11 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Features: - new attribute alcohol strength - import and export archives from other apps like dropbox or astro file manager, this can be used to synchronize database between different devices Bugfixes: - text in autocompletion is nearly invisible ("light gray text on white background") - front and back label cannot be entered in one step - possible null pointer on import of archive - remove deleted storage from all views Enhancements: - added remove button for scancode - title for tab filtered result pages - clear notification for import, export and deleting cellar after clicking it

Version 1.10 released

Version 1.10 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Feature: - additional image for back label - archives can be shared and deleted (see context menu in "import cellar" for this) - storage date can be changed, labels can be deleted now Bugfix: - scancode is only stored on update - wrong text in producer tab (thanks go to Henri for this bug report) - missing french translation (thanks again to Henri for this bug report) Enhancement: - progressbar for cellar im/export - added count to overview reports - default option for selecting images Changed: - edit actions in history are no longer displayed in detail view (they are still saved) Have fun.

Version 1.9 released

Version 1.9 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Feature: - scancode support: this helps finding storages in your cellar Bugfixes: - selecting images from external apps other as gallery (like ASTRA filemanager) fails - copied storage has not current date - currency in overview is always EUR - default sort method is not selected in preferences Enhancements: - setting for show icons/text+icons - improved icons on tabwidget - information about app (incl. email adress for support) - cancel dialog is displayed when back was pressed on editing Enjoy!

Platz 4 beim App-Test von

Beim Test der besten Apps zum Thema Wein belegt der Kellermeister einen achtbaren vierten Platz: Danke an alle User und Tester ;)

Version 1.8 released

Proudly announcing the new release 1.8 which contains these features, enhancements, bugfixes and changes. - feature: filtering via TabViews for vintage, category and other attributes - feature: empty storages are separated from non-empty storages (via TabView) - bugfix: display correct messages for empty cellar - bugfix: sorting by name works again (accidently removed) - enhancement: exporting is done in background (service) - enhancement: standard menu icons are used (according to style guide) - enhancement: attributes note, rating and region can be disabled for editing in settings (feature request from user weinakademiker) - changed: search is working now context sensitive - changed: using default android theme (which means black blackground) Enjoy!

Version 1.7 released

Version 1.7 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: - new preference "use_external_store": images are not copied from gallery into internal storage - enhancement: improve image quality for labels in all views - enhancement: improve speed for displayment of storage list - bugfix: storage date was set to current date when an attribute was changed - bugfix: storage date was set to current date when no label image was given - minimum required platform now is 2.1 (API Level 7) Thanks go to Sylvia for french translation :)

Version 1.6 released

Version 1.6 has been uploaded to Android market containing these features: - new feature: max. value for storage duration (showing warning in list and detail view) - new feature: summary as text (some numbers for empty and overdue storages) - bugfix: files from gallery can't be selected on some devices (e.g. Galaxy SII) - bugfix: make search available for devices without physical search button - enhancement: improve image quality showing label image in fullscreen

Version 1.5 uploaded to Android market

Version 1.5 has been uploaded to Android market containing these features: - new feature: full (text) search - try to fix annoying update bug "unknown column: vintage" - added history information to export - cleaning up menu: added maintain cellar menu, settings - added validation for initial and current stock

Release 1.4

It's done. The new release 1.4 has been uploaded to Android Market. Features: - introduced pie charts for better overview of cellar's content - improved autocompletion for some attributes when creating or editing storages - improved history - fixed serious update bug (which caused some users to drop this app - sorry for that) - fixed displayment bug for note attribute (white characters on white background) - fixed bug: images from gallery should have been copied but were not copied  Thanks again go to Steve for feedback and Andreas for test driving on his Milestone.

Maintenance release 1.3.1

The new release is a maintenance release. It fixes some bugs, improves performance (should be noteable when scrolling) and adds autocompletion when adding new entries or editing them. This should save typing time :)

Uploaded version 1.3 to Android Market

Some minutes ago the new release has been uploaded to Android Market. Features: larger fonts sorting (must be improved in next release) new attributes: price, rating, note several bugfixes (nullpointer exception, outofmemory exception) Some screenshots:

Release 1.2 in Android Market

Now the app is available at Android Market:

Release 1.1

There has been some feedback on the first release which I wanted to take into account. I'm shure there is pretty much room for improvement but this is a first step. And here is the short list of release notes: - removed the snapshot feature - added a real export feature now. The content is placed into external storage (/sdcard) within a ZIP archive - removed two large and unused pictures from resource folder which results in a way smaller apk file (roughly 1meg smaller, thanks Mark) Download: Release 1.1 Have fun.

Release 1.0

This is the first release of the "Keller Meister" application. These are the features: show all available storages in a list (a storage could be one or many wine bottles) save all storages in the virtual cellar as a snapshot (currently not available outside the app) restore a previously saved snapshot of the cellar create a new storage: edit meta data plus adding a picture from camera or gallery (e.g. of the bottles label) edit an existing storage delete an existing storage delete all storages from the virtual cellar convenience feature: reduce storage by one item (which normally means one bottle) last not least: show all details of storage in a separate view Download: Release 1.0 Have fun!