
Es werden Posts vom September, 2011 angezeigt.

Version 1.9 released

Version 1.9 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Feature: - scancode support: this helps finding storages in your cellar Bugfixes: - selecting images from external apps other as gallery (like ASTRA filemanager) fails - copied storage has not current date - currency in overview is always EUR - default sort method is not selected in preferences Enhancements: - setting for show icons/text+icons - improved icons on tabwidget - information about app (incl. email adress for support) - cancel dialog is displayed when back was pressed on editing Enjoy!

Platz 4 beim App-Test von

Beim Test der besten Apps zum Thema Wein belegt der Kellermeister einen achtbaren vierten Platz: Danke an alle User und Tester ;)

Version 1.8 released

Proudly announcing the new release 1.8 which contains these features, enhancements, bugfixes and changes. - feature: filtering via TabViews for vintage, category and other attributes - feature: empty storages are separated from non-empty storages (via TabView) - bugfix: display correct messages for empty cellar - bugfix: sorting by name works again (accidently removed) - enhancement: exporting is done in background (service) - enhancement: standard menu icons are used (according to style guide) - enhancement: attributes note, rating and region can be disabled for editing in settings (feature request from user weinakademiker) - changed: search is working now context sensitive - changed: using default android theme (which means black blackground) Enjoy!