Version 1.16 is available (happy new year 2012)

Version 1.16 has been uploaded to Android market containing these changes: Features: - favourites support - added regions and locations to tab list ( thx Roland , Christoph ) - import of WinWein archives (*. wwi ) and other CSV formats - install location sdcard enabled B ugfixes : - changed volume format to display 0.375l correct ( thx Angelo ) - preferences for tabs are wrong after initial installation - sort order is wrong in some tabs - vintage displayed although not specified - CSV import doesn't handle quoted text fields correct - image is lost after turning device (new/edit storage) Enhancements: - layouts enhanced for better support of larger screens - display varietals in storage list and in overview - pie chart info: added percent value Changes: - tag "rack" has been replaced by "location" in XML-export format (though: "rack" will be supported until at least ...