
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2013 angezeigt.

Version 1.24 has been uploaded to Google Play

This release includes some nice features, e.g. the long missing swipe support for details views started from a list. Some users requested for improvements when withdrawing bottles and up-stocking wine. Ok, here you go: 1.24: Feature release "Gordes" - Features: added new tab "wine" (wine means: unique pairs of name and vintage) swipe support in the detail view added context menu for up-stocking a wine (convenience method for "copy storage") - Bugfixes: no entry in history when copying a storage - Enhancements: better support for lists of  varietals specify number of bottles when withdrawing added vintage and producer to history view more attributes configurable in list view (e.g. back label, price,  varietal ) - Changes: none Have fun!

Version 1.23 has been uploaded to Android market

These are the release notes for the yesterday released new version of the Kellermeister app. As you can see it is really a maintenance version only consisting of bugfixes. 1.23: Feature release "Beaumont" - Features: none - Bugfixes: fixed bug "Export is hanging" fixed bug "ZXing scanner not preferred to QR Droid" fixed bug "QR Droid not supported in edit activity" - Enhancements: none - Changes: none Have fun!